Meet Our Certified
Fort Collins Mechanics

For the past 35 years, Fort Collins Complete Automotive Repair has been the foremost neighborhood shop of Fort Collins and the surrounding areas. Started by a family man, all technicians at the shop embody the simple principles of integrity, honesty, and thoroughness. We treat your vehicle like our own and go the extra mile to ensure that your car is taken care of and repaired as quickly as possible. You can stop your search for “auto repair near me” once you call our garage because we can handle everything, including check engine light repair to brakes to tune-ups and diagnostics.

We help clients from all over the greater Fort Collins region and welcome visiting college students to come to experience friendly auto repair in the Rocky Mountain state.

Meet the Owner: Adam Freeman

Adam Freeman has spent most of his life surrounded by cars, and there is no other way he would like it. He attended IntelliTec Automotive School 2006-2007 where he finished first in his class. Over the last 15 years, he has worked on a variety of both domestic and foreign cars as well as light trucks, heavy equipment/semis, and provided fleet maintenance and repair to companies.

When he is not chatting about the Rockies with clients or under the hood of a car, you can find Adam four-wheeling across Colorado or spending a weekend hiking, fishing, and camping with his wife and four kids.